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Портал был создан при финансовой поддержке Российского гуманитарного научного фонда (РГНФ), проект № 07-04-12140в.

(c) "Информационные технологии и письменное наследие", 2008-2020

Материалы конференции
Проблемы перевода в электронный ресурс лицевого рукописного сборника XVII века PDF Печать E-mail
Автор(ы): Эльвира Николаевна Акимова, Элина Валерьевна Демкина   
06.08.2012 г.

Summary. The article explores the problem of digitizing an illuminated manuscript dated by XVI century. The necessity of this procedure is evident but technical characteristics of digitizing process are limited which causes loss of information necessary for paleographic description and makes it impossible to distinguish and demonstrate the important features that localize the manuscript historically and geographically.

iconПроблемы перевода...(pdf) (417.25 kB) 

Модуль статистики информационно-аналитической системы "Манускрипт": функции и демонстрация данных PDF Печать E-mail
Автор(ы): Виктор Аркадьевич Баранов, Сергей Викторович Дубовцев   
06.08.2012 г.

icon Baranov-Dubovtsev_Petrozavodsk2012 (51.01 kB 2012-08-08 22:16:51)

Summary. The statistics module is intended for the analysis of a corpus of medieval Slavic manuscripts on the manuscripts.ru portal using frequency and distribution of graphic and orthographic facts and of linguistic units in the transcriptions. The prototype can prepare a multi-parameter query, compare multiple copies from a parallel corpus, and find and display data in a text.

Эксперименты по распознаванию букв и слов скорописи XVII в. PDF Печать E-mail
Автор(ы): Иван Анатольевич Зеленцов   
06.08.2012 г.

ImageSummary. In previous works a new approach to recognition of XVII-th century Russian handwritten documents was proposed. In this paper we describe experiments that were carried out with the developed pilot recognition program to figure out the correctness of the proposed approach.

Название различных типов рукавиц в русских говорах Удмуртии (на материале лингвогеографической информационной системы «Диалект») PDF Печать E-mail
Автор(ы): Екатерина Анатольевна Жданова   
06.08.2012 г.
Summary. This article covers the analysis of mittens’ names noted in Russian dialects of Udmurtia. The maps made with help of linguageographical informative system «Dialect» are presented. They show the spreading of the dialectal names of the different mittens on the territory of Udmurt Republic. This article examine the data of all dialectal maps and the names of some mittens noted in Russian dialects of Udmurtia.
О формировании категории деепричастия в истории русского языка PDF Печать E-mail
Автор(ы): Ляйсэн Равилевна Абдулхакова   
06.08.2012 г.

Summary. The main directions of formation of grammatical category ― verbal adverbs as a result of the following changes are considered: fixing of certain syntactic functions, developments of standard grammatical value, stabilization of formal indicators.

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