Электронная база немецких заимствований через польское посредство в истории восточнославянских языков (Ольденбург-Мангейм)
Автор(ы): Кирилл Александрович Максимович   
06.09.2014 г.

This paper presents a new Internet-supported project of a historical database of German loanwords in the East Slavic (Russian, Belorussian and Ukrainian) languages. The project is based on an already accomplished Internet vocabulary comprising German loanwords in the history of Polish (head of the project: Prof. Dr. Gerd Hentschel, University of Oldenburg). At present the work on the project is focusing on tracing the German loanwords that entered into the East Slavic languages through a more or less verifiable Polish intermediation. The possibility of a further extension of the project to German loanwords not borrowed through Polish is considered.

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