Некоторые проблемы описания рукописных книг в информационно-поисковой системе «Книжные памятники Российской Федерации»
Автор(ы): Юрий Сергеевич Белянкин   
07.09.2014 г.
The Russian State Library is the head institution of the federally funded project “Rare and Unique Books of the Russian Federation”, which is growing as a union catalog of descriptions of manuscript and printed books. One of the most crucial questions for this project is the appropriateness of the archaeographic descriptions of manuscript books used by the developers of the database. Our analysis of the cataloger instructions and descriptions created so far led to the conclusion that they are insufficient due to irrelevant terminology and methodology more suitable for old printed books. icon belyankin_elmanuscript2014 (708.78 kB)