Сибирские старообрядческие “живые” библиотеки в составе электронного ресурса “Книжные памятники Сибири”
Автор(ы): Елена Ивановна Дергачева-Скоп, Андрей Юрьевич Бородихин   
07.09.2014 г.
The creation of a digital resource of the contemporary Old Believer “live” libraries of Siberia improves their preservation and introduction to scholarly discourse. Archeographical expedition work conducted by Novosibirsk State University together with the State Public Scientific Technical Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences creates a foundation for creating such study aids. icon dergacheva-skop-borodikhin_elmanuscript2014 (957.54 kB)