Формирование аннотированных баз данных семантического поля “агрессия” (на материале русскоязычных и англоязычных электронных интернет-источников)
Автор(ы): Родмонга Кондратьевна Потапова, Лилия Ряшитовна Комалова   
07.09.2014 г.
The article presents fulltext databases containing Russian- and English-language documents from the mass media containing verbal representatives of the concept “aggression”. Each database consists of 120 annotated text units. The annotation covers lexical, semantic and pragmatic levels. Special metrics and a local dictionary of the semantic field of “aggression” accompany each text. The database can be implemented in scientific research on speechology, for improving computer-aided Internet monitoring systems, in pedagogy, and for improving search systems based on the semantic field of “aggression”. icon potapova-komalova_elmanuscript2014 (833.08 kB)