Дигитализация на Научния архив на БАН - състояние и перспективи
Автор(ы): Ружа Симеонова, Цветана Величкова, Валентин Георгиев   
07.09.2014 г.
Digitization in the Scientific Archives of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences is currently focused on two areas: the creation of digital finding aids, name indexes and geographical indexes, and the digitization of important papers and documents at risk. Digitized inventories made in Word format are currently published on the website of the Scientific Archives. Master copies of digitized documents are stored in the TIFF format. This process aims to improve access to the archival wealth of the Scientific Archives for a wide range of users while preserving the original documents. icon simeonova-velichkova_georgiev_elmanuscript2014 (450.07 kB)