Състояние и перспективи на съвременната българска историческа лексикография. Тематичен речник на старобългарския език
Автор(ы): Татяна Илиева   
07.09.2014 г.
This paper proposes a lexicographic model for a thematic dictionary of the Old Bulgarian language—that is, an arrangement of Old Bulgarian words by subject—which could serve as a template for diachronically presenting this type of lexical relation. The goals in creating this dictionary are also outlined here: the collection and interrelated lexicographic representation of the Old Bulgarian lexicon in a system of concepts that covers the respective part of reality and reflect the language picture of the world. The procedure to create such a dictionary is presented together with the range of sources to be used and the main method to search within the separate thematic groups. Some issues related to the macrostructure and microstructure of the dictionary are also discussed, and advantages to creating it are given. icon ilieva_elmanuscript2014 (1.49 MB)