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(с) "Информационните технологии и писменото наследство", 2008-2020 г.

Creation and analysis of text corpora with the TXM platform PDF Печат Е-мейл
Автор: Алексей Михайлович Лаврентьев, Serge Heiden   
07 Август 2012
Занятия в рамках школы. Relevant topics from the preliminary list: 2. Specialized systems for processing full textdatabases; 7. Methods and tools of text processing, 1. XML and TEI technologies 

Written by Serge Heiden, Alexei Lavrentiev

2 sessions including each one lecture (2 hours) and one hands-on practice (2 hours). Total duration: 8 hours.


Introduction to TXM platform

–methodology (textometry)

–desktop vs portal

–basic functions:

–documentary lists, KWIC concordances...

–subcorpora and partitions

–statistical: specificity, collocates

–exporting results

Data sources engineering with TXM

–sample corpora (English and Russian)

–TXM import modules (TXT, XML)

–raw and XML text preparation

–proprietary format conversion

–textual units engineering (splitting, merging)

–metadata editing (CSV, XPath)

–tagging (part-of speech, lemma...)

Advanced TXM

–full-text search engine CQL patterns

–statistical analysis: factorial analysis (clustering), classification

–multi-facet and parallel corpora

Advanced data sources engineering






TXM Project: http://textometrie.ens-lyon.fr/?lang=en

TXM platform development site: http://sourceforge.net/projects/txm

TXM demo portail: http://txm.risc.cnrs.fr/demo/?locale=en


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