О системной целостности процессов формирования рукописи научной работы и информационного поиска
Автор(ы): Станислав Васильевич Моченов, Михаил Александрович Шаронов, Елена Владимировна Никитина, Рустам Рамильевич Ахметгалеев   
07.09.2014 г.
In this paper we present methodological issues on the organization and implementation of information retrieval in various stages of scholarly research and composing a scientific manuscript. We consider approaches aimed at the implementation of specific methodological provisions in the form of basic functionality of a specialized expert system. At this stage of research we are developing a structural-functional model of the specialized expert system and algorithms of expert support to user actions. The goal of the expert support for researchers is to save the logical connections between the goal of information retrieval, the goal of scholarly research, the process of manuscript creation and the stages of information retrieval using information sources. A key feature of the expert system considered in this paper is the implementation of an approach that ensures the achievement of systemic integrity of the processes of composing a scholarly manuscript and information retrieval. icon mochenov-sharonov-nikitina-akhmetgaleev_elmanuscript2014 (1.01 MB)