Модель разметки транскрипций рукописей системы “Манускрипт”: гаплография, диттография, вставки, пропуски и комментарии
Автор(ы): Виктор Аркадьевич Баранов, Регина Александровна Аникина, Роман Михайлович Гнутиков   
07.09.2014 г.
This paper is devoted to the means of transmission of haplography, dittography and some graphic-phonetic features in preparation of electronic transcription in the information-analytical system “Manuscript”. The paper describes the ways of differentiating features and their visualization in contexts and in linguistic indexes in a corpora of texts by Mikhail Lomonosov (lomonosov.pro) and in a historical corpus of medieval Slavic manuscripts (manuscripts.ru). icon baranov-anikina-gnutikov_elmanuscript2014 (2.33 MB)