Интернет-издание Троицкого сборника XII–XIII вв.: онлайн-указатели словоформ как инструмент лингвистического анализа
Автор(ы): Олег Феофанович Жолобов   
07.09.2014 г.
While a transcription of the Trinity Miscellany has been published in print, the recently published Internet edition has a number of advantages over it, not to mention its special form of storage available to a wide range of users. On the Manuscript portal, electronic editions of manuscripts are accompanied by a variety of modules—that is, forms of output. It is possible to search for word forms within a text or across the entire text collection. Of particular importance to researchers are online indexes: forward, backward and quantitative indexes of word forms. icon zholobov_elmanuscript2014 (721.79 kB)