“Ранние” двуязычные словари как источники изучения лексики калмыцкого языка
Автор(ы): Евгений Владимирович Бембеев   
07.09.2014 г.
This article is dedicated to the analysis of “early” lexicographical dictionaries as  written records and as sources of study of the development of the lexical system of the Kalmyk language. The analysis is based on the material of the two digitized dictionaries for the Vocabulary Module of the National Corpus of the Kalmyk Language. Comparative study of “early” lexicographical sources allows one to follow trends in the development of lexical structure of the Kalmyk language over the past 200 years, to determine the chronological framework of the development of various linguistic phenomena in the language, to solve problems in the field of dialect differentiation, etc. icon bembeev_elmanuscript2014 (724.16 kB)