Конкорданс цитатного материала Словаря русского языка XI–XVII вв.
Автор(ы): Юрий Николаевич Филиппович   
07.09.2014 г.
This paper presents a “pilot” issue of the serial digital edition of a concordance of issues 1–21 of the Dictionary of the Russian Language of the 11th–17th Centuries. The concordance is based on quotations from the printed issues of the dictionary. There are 2,817 processed entries containing 10,837 word forms. The concordance is designed to support the authors of new issues of the dictionary (the still incomplete letters of the alphabet) and also for researchers in the field of Russian historical lexicography and lexicology. icon philippovichyuriy_elmanuscript2014 (779.95 kB)