О языке высокой славянской книжности второй половины XIV–XV вв. : (к вопросу о т.н. «втором южнославянском влиянии»)
Автор(ы): Валентина Димитриевна Петрова   
13.09.2014 г.
In the scientific literature the question of the so-called "second south Slavic influence" in the 14th and 15th centuries, the end of “book weaving” is closely linked to the question of the impact of the philological tradition of the Tyrnovo School on the formation of the language of high literacy in Muscovy.  To properly address the issue of "second Slavic influence" a differential approach to the language of South Slavic high literacy is needed to distinguish between literal translations of liturgical books and works of the original Tyrnovo School. icon petrova_elmanuscript2014 (107.1 kB)