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Портал был создан при финансовой поддержке Российского гуманитарного научного фонда (РГНФ), проект № 07-04-12140в.

(c) "Информационные технологии и письменное наследие", 2008-2020

Материалы конференции
Электронная коллекция рукописей и архивных документов Кирилло-Мефодиевского научного центра – состояние, проблемы и перспективы PDF Печать E-mail
Автор(ы): Веселка Неделчева Желязкова   
07.08.2012 г.
Summary. Τhe aim of this paper is to present the web based digital repository of manuscripts and archival documents connected with the Cyrillo-Methodian sources (Slavonic, Greek and Latin), the creation of Slavonic Alphabet, the Cyrillo-Methodian traditions in Bulgaria and Europe from the Middle Ages up till now as well as the history of scientific thought in the field of Cyrillo-Methodian studies. At present the repository includes nearly 1100 documents and is structured in several collections.
Модели описания дигитализированного письменного наследия: состояние проблемы PDF Печать E-mail
Автор(ы): Нели Василева Ганчева   
07.08.2012 г.
Summary. The main task of the models for the description is to accurately reflect the specificities of different types of documents. In the report are indicated the main problems with respect to the electronic description of mediaeval manuscripts, on the one hand, and of contemporary publications, on the other. An important accent in it is the delineation of characteristic of our times two points of view about development of models for the description. According to one the perspectives are in convergence and integration of different models in a common scheme. The other point of view is completely opposite. It is based on understanding of the need to keep the entire range of models with the purpose to correct presentation of the characteristics of described materials.
О некоторых особенностях порядка слов в сочинениях Григория Цамблака («Житие Стефана Дечанского» и «Похвальное слово Евфимию») PDF Печать E-mail
Автор(ы): Валентина Димитриевна Петрова   
07.08.2012 г.
Summary. The article covers certain pecularities of the word order in 2 works by Grigori Tzamblak — “Hadiology of Stefan Dechanski” and “The Eulogy to Evtimi”. The word order in the works of Grigori Tzamblak (one of the most celebrated authors of Tyrnov School) is not a mere illustraion of dependendence on Greek language but serves as a means of syntax-semantic complication so typical of Grigori Tzamblak’s language.
Creation and analysis of text corpora with the TXM platform PDF Печать E-mail
Автор(ы): Алексей Михайлович Лаврентьев, Serge Heiden   
07.08.2012 г.
Занятия в рамках школы.
Мультимедийный корпус русского языка: опыт использования в преподавании и гуманитарных исследованиях PDF Печать E-mail
Автор(ы): Светлана Олеговна Савчук, Елена Александровна Гришина   
07.08.2012 г.
Лекция в рамках школы.
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