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Портал был создан при финансовой поддержке Российского гуманитарного научного фонда (РГНФ), проект № 07-04-12140в.

(c) "Информационные технологии и письменное наследие", 2008-2020

Материалы конференции
Литургията на св. Василий Велики според славянската ръкописна традиция (XIII–XVII в.) PDF Печать E-mail
Автор(ы): Галя Тодорова Господинова   
07.09.2014 г.
There were two independent liturgical rites in the early Byzantine age bearing the name of Saint Basil the Great: Byzantine and Alexandrian. This divine liturgy is one of the most widely used services over time, so it is deservedly considered as a traditional liturgical service of the Church of Constantinople.
Археографические сведения об евфимиевской редакции среднеболгарского перевода “Пандектов” Никона Черногорца PDF Печать E-mail
Автор(ы): Събка Богданова   
07.09.2014 г.
This paper presents archeographical information for 48 copies of the Euthymian edition of the Middle Bulgarian translation of Nikon Montenegrin's “Pandektite” stored in libraries in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev, Yaroslav, Lviv, Berlin, Belgrade and Athos. Some distinctive features of the two Slavic translations are indicated.
Гръко-александрийската литургия на свети Григорий и проблемът с авторството ] PDF Печать E-mail
Автор(ы): архимандрит Авксентий   
07.09.2014 г.
This paper presents the question of the authorship of the ten extant Divine Offices that mention the name of Gregory. After an overview of existing opinion on whether St. Gregory the Theologian is really the author of the liturgy, the paper asserts the opinion that it's difficult to speak about the authorship of early divine offices since they were subject to so many revisions.  Nevertheless, it's possible to say that the author of certain divine offices is in fact the compiler of the Eucharistic prayer.
Функционирование дуальных форм в Изборнике XIII в. PDF Печать E-mail
Автор(ы): Эльвира Халитовна Шаяхметова   
07.09.2014 г.
The subject of our study is the Izbornik of the 13th century (GPB. Q. p. I. 18). A transcription of the Izbornik was published by Polata knigopisnaja in 1987. The text of this transcription was transcribed into digital form, which, after checking with the manuscript, will be published on the Manuscript portal. The presence of the manuscript in “readable” and edited form simplifies its use for computer-based linguistic analysis. It was used for the study and description of the subcategory of the dual number in the Izbornik.
Описателен анализ на южнославянското старопечатно издание от 1520 г. Сборник за пътници PDF Печать E-mail
Автор(ы): Петя Славчева   
07.09.2014 г.
This paper presents an archeographic description of the book Collection for Travelers, which was printed for the first time in Venice by the Montenegrin Bozidar Vukovic in 1520. It is a collection of texts with religious themes serving as essential reading for every Orthodox Christian. The language is a Resavian version of Middle Bulgarian. This written record is one of the old and rare books protected by the Cultural Heritage Act of Serbia.
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