El'Manuscript '06
Organizational committee
Program committee
Topic areas for conference
Topic areas for workshop
Basic dates
Registration and request
Organizational payment
Program of conference
List of participants
Conference content
Projects and resources
Organizational information
Cultural program

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The project is supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project #07-04-12140в

(c) "Information Technologies and Textual Heritage", 2008-2020

Materials to be submitted PDF Print E-mail

Application form

To participate in the conference, please submit the application form (below) by email or fax no later than 15 May 2006 to the Organizing Committee address (above). Please be sure to include an email or fax address, which the Organizing Committee will use to send formal invitations, supplementary questionnaires for foreign participants, and bank account information for submitting registration fees. The Program Committee reserves the right to reject proposals that are not consistent with the focus of the conference.

Requirements for Formatting Abstracts

Abstracts of no more then 8500 characters must be sent electronically in RTF format readable by Microsoft Word and in printed form (or PDF format) using a 13-pt. Arial Unicode font, 1-1/2 line spacing, 2 cm. margins on all four sides, 1 cm. paragraph indentation, justification, and no hard hyphenation at ends of lines. Emphasized text should be marked with italics or bolding (avoid underlining and the use of all caps for emphasis). Glosses, where needed, should be given in inverted commas (single quotation marks, ‘ ’). Bibliographic citations should be given in line in squares brackets, as follows:

[first-word-of-title publication-date, volume-or-edition-or-part-number: page-number]

Use additional title words where needed to avoid ambiguity. Full bibliographic information should be included in an unnumbered alphabetized list at the end of the abstract, following the subtitle “Literature.” Footnotes should be reserved for explanatory comments (not bibliographic citations), and should be formatting at the foot of each page (not as endnotes) using the automated numbering feature supported by Microsoft Word. If your abstract requires characters not available in the Arial font, please submit all additional fonts together with your abstract (either on a floppy disk for postal submission or as email attachments). The filename of your abstract should take the form


(for example, 2_Smith_tez.rtf). If you do not know your likely section number, use “0”.

Abstract template:

Title of Presentation

Initials and last name (last names) of the author (authors)

Affiliation (full, without abbreviation), city, country

Summary (no more then 500 characters; abstracts in Russian should have summaries in English and vice versa)

Text of the abstract


List of cited works with full bibliographic information

Signature (for printed version)